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Rifkin Consulting’s Blog Prepares Their Clients to Be the Best

published November 23, 2015

( 2 votes, average: 4.4 out of 5)

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Summary: The President of Rifkin Consulting, a legal recruiting firm, keeps a blog of advice for law students and current lawyers on how to be prepared for a job search and discusses hot legal topics.
Rifkin Consulting

The Rifkin Consulting blog, written by Diane Rifkin, highlights itself as “California’s Leading Attorney Recruiting Firm: Providing Insight and Strategic Advice about Legal Recruiting.” The company is comprised of experienced attorney recruiters that aim to build lasting relationships with clients. They act as an extension of a human resources department at a company in order to find the best legal talent.

While posts on their blog are not frequent, they are still valuable. Rifkin’s last post was from April when she discussed the trends in California law firms. She talked about how in the last five years, some practice areas have become dormant, while others have boomed. Her interpretation of these trends is that law firms are moving forward with caution, but are still steady and full of hope.

Other posts on the blog give advice for creating an outstanding LinkedIn profile, writing a cover letter, and making one’s self stand out. Overall, the posts provide tips for law students and practicing lawyers on how to prepare themselves to be the best candidate possible when looking for a job.

Rifkin has over 25 years of experience in the legal, attorney recruiting, and public relations fields. She earned her B.A. and J.D. from Villanova University. She has served on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Legal Search Consultants and their Ethics Committee.


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