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Advice to New Attorneys - Networking

published August 02, 2013

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Of all the advice I could give a new attorney, the one thing above all they should know is that their ethics is the calling card, and to never put them in doubt.

Getting involved with county bar associations and the state bar association in New Jersey makes all the difference in distinguishing one attorney from another. The experience and leadership development goes a long way to allowing you to stand out in the crowd. Also, find a charitable cause and make it your own to provide some variety from the practice of law.

I wish I learned to listen before speaking when I was a younger attorney, whether to the older attorneys trying to teach me or the clients asking questions. A younger attorney doesn't know enough to know what they don't know, and should listen with both ears twice before speaking once.

Current law students need to determine what area of law they wish to go into at graduation, and find a clerkship with a judge right after graduation in that area. The experience and connections made from being a law clerk are invaluable in growing a career.

Ronald G. Lieberman, Esq.
Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney
Adinolfi & Lieberman, PA
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