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The Office of Career Services at SLU Law

published December 17, 2011

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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The leader of this group, Assistant Dean Mary Pat McInnis first came to Saint Louis University as an undergraduate student. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Urban Affairs and a Bachelor of Science in Social Work from the university in 1982 and returned to the university's law school, where she earned her Juris Doctor five years later. McInnis returned to Saint Louis University School of Law once again in 2001 as the Assistant Dean for Career Development. In this position, she oversees all activities within the office and also provides students with job search, resume, and interview assistance. She favors an “open door” policy as a means of encouraging students to take advantage of the available career services offerings.

Prior to joining the Office of Career Services, McInnis spent two years as a social worker. She also spent four years with Diekemper, Hammon, Shinners, Turcotte and Larrow, which is now Hammond Shinners, where she specialized in labor and employment law. Immediately before accepting her position with the law school, McInnis served as a member of the litigation practice group at Greensfelder, Hemker and Gale.

Jocelyn Brennan-Witzel, also a Saint Louis University School of Law graduate, serves as the assistant director of the Office of Career Development. She promotes student networking through outreach work with attorneys, judges, alumni, and business leaders. Additionally, she works with students and alumni in the areas of career counseling, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation.

Witzel practiced law for more than seven years, focusing primarily on the areas of commercial litigation and construction. She is currently the Pro Bono Chair of the Young Lawyers Division of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis and was honored with the Young Lawyers Division Award of Merit in both 2004 and 2006. She is also involved in the Women's Lawyer's Association and the Cor Jesu Academy Alumnae Association. She completed her undergraduate studies at Rhodes College, where she majored in psychology and minored in English.

The services provided by Tina Murphy Godar, the assistant director of career development, center around career counseling, resume and cover letter assistance, and mock interviews. She holds a JD from Saint Louis University School of Law and a BA from Drake University with a double major in economics and English.

Godar's legal career began in the Missouri Attorney General's Office, where she worked in the litigation section. She followed this by working for her father as a solo practitioner. She joined the Office of Career Services after taking time at home with her children.

Dean McInnis' assistant, Colleen Murphy, handles a range of assignments within the Career Services Office including the organization of all on-campus interviews and reciprocity requests. She is also responsible for emailing the Daily Career Services notes, which contains information about job openings and more.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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