Law Assistant Job Description
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- Legal Job Description
- Law Assistant Job Description
'Here are a few sample law assistant job descriptions:
Law Assistant
Seeking a Law Assistant for Foreclosure Prevention Project. Duties include direct service to clients under attorney supervision, calendaring cases, producing weekly calendar of court appearances, communication with court and bank personnel, drafting pleadings and other legal documents, document assembly and some research. The preferred candidate should have paralegal certificate or equivalent work experience, proficient in Word and Excel.
Family Law Assistant
The candidate will do general file management and administration duties including maintenance of the client database, opening case files, file maintenance and archiving, processing/filing/preparing letters and reports. Will work on maintaining diaries, scheduling meetings and direct contact with clients. Attending meetings with clients and on occasions professional experts/court. Billing and recovery of fees where necessary. Participating in marketing activities, including taking notes and producing documents. Experience in an administrative role in a legal or professional services environment, ideally with experience of family law is essential. Experience in using Microsoft Office is essential.
Family Law Assistant
The candidate must be working as a Legal Assistant / Secretary within a Family team however experience in other areas of law is welcome.
Junior Family Law Assistant
The candidate will be providing exceptional legal administrative support including to preparing correspondence and legal documents using precedents, scheduling meetings with clients and lawyers, handing intake, opening and maintaining files in order, and more. Should have 1.5 years of experience. Must have strong organizational and technical skills, and familiarity with the Family Law Act and practices.
Junior Family Law Assistant
The candidate will be responsible for general administrative matters, dictation, court filings and scheduling. Must have 2+ years of experience as a family law assistant. Strong skills in Divorce Mate and a team player approach are required.
Family Law Assistant
The candidate will be preparing legal documents with little or no direction, according to general precedents. Will be transcribing dictation. Liaising with lawyers, clients, and courts. Managing calendar and docketing. Opening, closing, and maintaining files; and Other administrative duties as requested. Should have 5+ years of experience. Must have solid understanding of Family Law and the Rules of Civil Procedure, top-notch communication, interpersonal, and technical skills.
Law Assistant
The candidate must be 2Ls or 3Ls and possess strong research, writing, editing, and blue booking skills. A passion for public interest work, including racial justice, and or journal/law review experience is highly valued.'
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