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The Rise of Workplace Ghosting

published March 01, 2024

By Author - LawCrossing

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The Rise of Workplace Ghosting

The phenomenon of "ghosting" isn't limited to dating; it's increasingly prevalent in the workplace, posing risks to both employers and job seekers, according to career experts.

 Ghosting in the Workplace
Originating in the mid-2010s with the emergence of social media and dating apps, "ghosting" refers to abruptly ceasing communication with someone. This behavior has now permeated the job market, with applicants and employers engaging in it during the hiring process.
 Statistics Reflecting the Trend
A December report from job site Indeed revealed that approximately 78% of job seekers admitted to ghosting a prospective employer, marking an increase from previous years. Furthermore, 62% of job seekers intended to ghost during future job searches. Conversely, 40% of job seekers reported being ghosted by employers after second or third-round interviews.
 Understanding the Trend
Jill Eubank, Senior Vice President of Business Professionals at Randstad, attributes the surge in ghosting to the robust job market preceding and following the COVID-19 pandemic. With historically low unemployment rates and record-high job openings, candidates felt empowered to exercise their options and disengage from communication during the hiring process.
 The Feedback Loop
Research indicates that many millennial and Generation Z workers have ghosted employers during the interview process for various reasons, such as securing another job offer or experiencing a negative interview. Additionally, a considerable percentage of workers have retracted job acceptances or disappeared before their start dates, creating a feedback loop of ghosting behavior between employers and job seekers.
 Risks and Consequences
While some may perceive ghosting as a time-saving tactic, it can result in reputational damage for both parties involved. Job seekers who ghost employers risk being "red-flagged" and losing future opportunities. Similarly, employers who engage in ghosting may damage their brand reputation, especially if disgruntled candidates share negative experiences online.
Ghosting in the workplace is a multifaceted issue with repercussions for employers and job seekers alike. While it may offer short-term benefits, the long-term consequences emphasize the importance of transparent and respectful communication throughout the hiring process.
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