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The Key To Getting Law Firm Offers: How To Be Desirable to Big Law Firms

published May 17, 2024

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As a legal recruiter and the founder of BCG Attorney Search, I know a lot about the recruitment process and how to make a successful placement. Most of the placements we do are not even for open positions. This article will give you the key to making firms interested in you and making offers to you quickly.


The Key to Securing Offers from Top Law Firms: Strategies to Become Highly Desirable

Breaking into the elite circle of top law firms, commonly known as Big Law, is a dream for many aspiring attorneys. These firms offer unparalleled opportunities, impressive salaries, and a prestigious work environment. However, landing a position with these firms is highly competitive. So, what can you do to make yourself a standout candidate? Here are some proven strategies to increase your desirability to Big Law firms.


Excel Academically


Your academic performance is a critical factor in attracting the attention of top law firms. Firms often prioritize candidates who have graduated from prestigious law schools with high grades. To enhance your appeal:

  • Aim for Top Grades: Strive for excellence in all your courses, especially those that are traditionally challenging.

  • Pursue Honors and Awards: Participate in academic competitions, law reviews, and journals. Achievements in these areas can significantly boost your resume.


Gain Relevant Experience


Practical experience is invaluable in the legal field. Big Law firms look for candidates who have a proven track record of relevant work experience. Consider the following:

  • Summer Associate Positions: Secure internships or clerkships at reputable law firms during your summer breaks. These positions often serve as pipelines to full-time employment.

  • Clerkships: Judicial clerkships, particularly with federal judges, are highly regarded and can set you apart from other candidates.


Develop Strong Networking Skills


Networking is essential in the legal industry. Building relationships with professionals in the field can lead to job opportunities and valuable recommendations. To enhance your network:

  • Attend Industry Events: Participate in legal conferences, seminars, and workshops. These events are excellent venues for meeting influential figures in the legal community.

  • Join Professional Associations: Become a member of legal associations and actively participate in their activities. These organizations provide networking opportunities and access to industry insights.


Hone Your Legal Skills


Big Law firms seek candidates who possess exceptional legal skills. Focus on developing the following competencies:

  • Research and Writing: Strong research and writing abilities are crucial. Contribute to law journals or blogs to showcase your skills.

  • Analytical Thinking: Demonstrate your ability to analyze complex legal issues and develop innovative solutions. Participate in moot court competitions to refine these skills.


Demonstrate Leadership and Teamwork


Leadership and teamwork are highly valued in Big Law firms. Showcase your ability to lead and work effectively within a team through:


Extracurricular Activities: Take on leadership roles in student organizations or community service projects. These experiences highlight your leadership potential and ability to collaborate.

Team Projects: Engage in group projects or clinics during your law school tenure. Successful collaboration in these settings can demonstrate your teamwork skills.


Craft a Compelling Personal Brand


Your personal brand is how you present yourself to potential employers. A strong personal brand can make you memorable and attractive to Big Law firms. To develop your brand:


Online Presence: Maintain a professional online presence on platforms like LinkedIn. Share your achievements, articles, and insights to build your professional image.

Tailored Resume and Cover Letter: Customize your application materials for each firm, highlighting experiences and skills that align with the firm’s values and needs.


Seek Mentorship


Having a mentor can provide guidance and support as you navigate your legal career. Mentors can offer advice, introduce you to key contacts, and help you understand the inner workings of Big Law firms. To find a mentor:


Reach Out to Alumni: Connect with alumni from your law school who work in Big Law firms. They can offer valuable insights and mentorship.

Leverage Professional Networks: Use professional networks and associations to identify and connect with potential mentors.




Securing a position with a top law firm requires a combination of academic excellence, relevant experience, strong networking, and the development of key legal skills. By focusing on these areas and strategically building your personal brand, you can increase your desirability to Big Law firms and pave the way for a successful legal career. Remember, persistence and dedication are key—keep striving for excellence, and your efforts will pay off.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: What academic qualifications do Big Law firms typically look for in candidates?


Big Law firms generally prioritize candidates who have graduated from prestigious law schools with high grades. Academic excellence, honors, and awards in legal studies, as well as participation in law reviews and journals, are highly valued.


Q: How important is it to gain practical experience before applying to a top law firm?


Practical experience is crucial. Internships, summer associate positions, and judicial clerkships provide invaluable hands-on experience and can significantly enhance your resume, making you a more attractive candidate to top law firms.


Q: What are some effective ways to network in the legal industry?


Effective networking can be achieved by attending industry events like legal conferences, seminars, and workshops. Joining professional associations, participating in their activities, and leveraging platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in the field are also beneficial strategies.


Q: What specific legal skills should I focus on developing to appeal to Big Law firms?


Focus on developing strong research and writing skills, analytical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. Participating in moot court competitions and contributing to legal journals or blogs can help showcase these skills.


Q: How can I demonstrate leadership and teamwork to potential employers?


Take on leadership roles in student organizations or community service projects, and engage in group projects or clinics during your law school tenure. Highlight these experiences in your resume and during interviews to demonstrate your leadership and teamwork abilities.


Q: What should I include in my personal brand to make myself more attractive to Big Law firms?


Your personal brand should include a professional online presence, a tailored resume, and a cover letter that highlights your relevant experiences and skills. Sharing your achievements, articles, and insights on platforms like LinkedIn can also enhance your professional image.


Q: How can a mentor help in my journey to securing a position with a top law firm?


A mentor can provide guidance, support, and valuable advice on navigating the legal industry. They can introduce you to key contacts, help you understand the workings of Big Law firms, and offer insights based on their experiences.


Q: What role do extracurricular activities play in making me a desirable candidate for Big Law firms?


Extracurricular activities demonstrate your ability to manage multiple responsibilities, show leadership potential, and illustrate your teamwork skills. Participation in student organizations, community service, and legal competitions can make you stand out to potential employers.


Q: How can I tailor my resume and cover letter for different Big Law firms?


Customize your resume and cover letter by highlighting experiences and skills that align with the specific firm’s values and needs. Research each firm’s practice areas, culture, and recent achievements to tailor your application materials effectively.


Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when applying to top law firms?


Common mistakes include submitting generic resumes and cover letters, failing to highlight relevant experience, not preparing adequately for interviews, and neglecting to network effectively. Ensure your application is tailored, your experiences are well-documented, and you actively seek networking opportunities to avoid these pitfalls.


Q: What is the best time to start applying for internships and clerkships?


It's advisable to start applying for internships and clerkships early in your law school career, typically during your first year. Many top firms have competitive and early application processes, so being proactive can give you a significant advantage.


Q: How can I improve my chances of getting a summer associate position?


To improve your chances, maintain high academic performance, engage in extracurricular activities, network with legal professionals, and apply to a variety of firms. Tailoring your application materials to each firm and preparing thoroughly for interviews can also enhance your prospects.


Q: What are some key qualities that Big Law firms look for in candidates during interviews?


Big Law firms look for candidates who exhibit strong communication skills, analytical thinking, a solid understanding of the law, leadership potential, and the ability to work well in a team. Confidence, professionalism, and a demonstrated interest in the firm’s practice areas are also important.


Q: How can I prepare for a Big Law firm interview?


Research the firm thoroughly, understand its practice areas, recent cases, and its culture. Practice common interview questions, prepare examples that showcase your skills and experiences, and be ready to discuss why you’re a good fit for the firm. Mock interviews with mentors or career services can also be beneficial.


Q: Is it important to have a specialization in law school to attract Big Law firms?


While a specialization can be advantageous, it’s not always necessary. Many Big Law firms appreciate well-rounded candidates with a broad understanding of various legal areas. However, having expertise in a high-demand area, like corporate law or intellectual property, can make you more attractive.


Q: What role does the law school you attend play in securing a job at a top law firm?


The law school you attend can play a significant role, as many top law firms have established relationships with prestigious schools. However, exceptional performance, relevant experience, and strong networking can also help candidates from less well-known schools succeed.


Q: How can I stand out in a highly competitive pool of candidates?


Stand out by excelling academically, gaining relevant experience, showcasing your legal skills through writing and competitions, networking effectively, and developing a strong personal brand. Tailoring your application materials and preparing thoroughly for interviews are also crucial.


Q: Can participating in pro bono work increase my chances of getting hired by a Big Law firm?


Yes, participating in pro bono work demonstrates your commitment to the legal profession and your willingness to contribute to the community. It can also provide valuable experience and skills that are attractive to potential employers.


Q: What should I do if I don't receive an offer from a Big Law firm right away?


If you don’t receive an offer immediately, consider gaining additional experience through smaller firms, government positions, or nonprofit organizations. Continue to build your network, improve your skills, and reapply in the future. Persistence and continuous improvement are key.


Q: How important is cultural fit when applying to Big Law firms?


Cultural fit is very important. Firms look for candidates who not only have the necessary skills and experience but also align with their values and culture. Understanding a firm’s culture and demonstrating how you fit into that environment can significantly enhance your chances of securing an offer.

See also:

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