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Honoring Generosity: The 2024 Donors and Scholars Luncheon

published April 01, 2024

By Author - LawCrossing

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Honoring Generosity: The 2024 Donors and Scholars Luncheon

Alumni and supporters gathered alongside Columbia Law students for a heartwarming celebration of generosity and academic excellence at the annual Donors and Scholars Luncheon. The event, held on March 4, provided a platform to express gratitude to those whose contributions have paved the way for aspiring legal minds.

A Legacy of Giving

Dean Gillian Lester, the Lucy G. Moses Professor of Law, opened the gathering by reflecting on the rich history of scholarships at Columbia Law School, dating back to 1899. Initially funded by prominent figures like J.P. Morgan and Cornelius Vanderbilt, these scholarships have evolved into a diverse array of opportunities, many of which are named after esteemed individuals associated with the institution.

The Sullivan Family Scholar Program

A poignant highlight of the luncheon was the establishment of the Grace Rodriguez ’86 Scholars Program by the Sullivan family in memory of Grace Rodriguez, a cherished alumna who passed away in September 2022. John J. Sullivan ’85, former U.S. ambassador to the Russian Federation, shared heartfelt anecdotes about his wife and her profound impact as a legal professional.

Fostering Mentorship and Community

John Sullivan emphasized the transformative role of the Law School in shaping their lives and careers. He revealed that the Grace Rodriguez ’86 Scholars Program would not only provide financial support but also encourage recipients to uphold Rodriguez's legacy through mentorship and networking opportunities.

Building a Lasting Legacy

Katherine A. Sullivan SIPA ’19 elaborated on the family's vision to create a vibrant community of scholars dedicated to supporting one another through various career stages. The program aims to honor Rodriguez's commitment to mentoring and empowering future generations of legal professionals.

Student Perspective: Embracing Opportunities

Alexis Allen ’24, representing scholarship recipients, shared her journey at Columbia Law School, highlighting the transformative experiences made possible by donor support. From leadership roles within student organizations to impactful pro bono work, Allen expressed gratitude for the opportunities afforded to her.

A Shared Commitment to Excellence

Allen underscored the immense responsibility that comes with a legal education, emphasizing the importance of empathy and advocacy. With the backing of donors and scholars, Columbia Law School continues to nurture future leaders committed to making a positive impact.

A Unified Vision for the Future

The Donors and Scholars Luncheon served as a poignant reminder of the enduring spirit of generosity and community at Columbia Law School. As the institution continues to inspire and empower generations of legal scholars, the legacy of philanthropy and mentorship remains a cornerstone of its mission.
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