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Colorado Law Talent Show: A Revived Tradition

published April 01, 2024

By Author - LawCrossing

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Colorado Law Talent Show: A Revived Tradition

In a heartwarming revival of a cherished tradition, Colorado Law Democrats and the Class of 2025 officers recently organized a talent show, bringing together the law school community for an evening of entertainment and camaraderie.

Bringing Back the Tradition

The talent show harked back to the days when Law Buffs enthusiastically participated in and attended similar events during their law school journey. Held in Schaden Commons, the show provided a platform for staff, faculty, and students to showcase their diverse talents, fostering a sense of unity and joy.

Diverse Performances

The evening commenced with Prof. Scott Skinner-Thompson's rendition of “You’ll Be Back” from Hamilton, featuring humorous new lyrics tailored to aspiring lawyers. Following this musical delight, Assistant Dean Marci Fulton delivered a hilarious stand-up comedy routine, eliciting laughter with her fish-themed jokes.

Musical and Dance Acts

Prof. Blake Reid and Robyn Munn graced the stage with musical performances, captivating the audience with renditions of popular songs. Director Gabrielle Daley brought energy to the event with a lively swing dancing routine, adding a touch of nostalgia and flair.

Laughter and Connection

The talent show also featured storytelling, guitar performances, and audience engagement, creating moments of laughter and connection among attendees. Students like Hannah Ahders and Lance Keeble displayed their talents, while Stephen Wheeler engaged the audience with a medley of pop songs on his guitar.

Community Support and Encouragement

For many participants, the talent show provided an opportunity to step outside their comfort zones and receive support from the Colorado Law community. Prof. Rabea Benhalim's humorous storytelling and the Class of 2025’s musical rendition further added to the evening's charm and vibrancy.

Endearing Conclusion

The event concluded with a spirited performance by the Class of 2025, singing a revised version of “We're Going to Be Friends” and “Closing Time,” with the entire audience joining in. The overwhelming support from students, faculty, and staff reaffirmed the significance of community and shared experiences at Colorado Law.

Looking Ahead

As the curtains closed on this memorable evening, the organizers expressed gratitude to all participants and attendees, eagerly anticipating the continuation of this beloved tradition in the years to come.
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