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What Do I Say When a Law Firm Interviewer Asks for My Salary Expectations?

published July 18, 2024

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What do I say when a law firm interviewer asks for my salary expectations? Do I need to disclose my current/prior salary?

What should you say when asked by an interviewer about your salary expectations?



Discussing salary expectations during a law firm interview can be a daunting task. It’s crucial to strike the right balance between valuing your skills and fitting within the firm’s budget. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this delicate topic with confidence and professionalism.


Understanding the Importance of Salary Discussions


Salary discussions are a critical part of the interview process. They help both you and the employer determine if there is a financial match. Approaching this conversation with clarity and confidence is key to ensuring a successful outcome.


Research the Market Rate for Your Position


Before your interview, research the average salary range for the position you’re applying for. Consider factors such as your experience, education, the firm's size, and location. Websites like Glassdoor, PayScale, and industry-specific salary surveys can provide valuable insights.


Reflect on Your Value and Experience


Consider your unique skills and experiences. What do you bring to the table that sets you apart from other candidates? Reflecting on your value can help you determine a realistic and confident salary range.


How to Frame Your Salary Expectations


When asked about your salary expectations, it’s important to be prepared with a well-thought-out response. Here are some strategies:


Provide a Range


Offering a salary range rather than a specific number allows for flexibility. Ensure that the range is based on your research and aligns with the industry standards. For example:


“I’ve done some research on the typical salary for this role and, considering my experience and the skills I bring, I’m looking for a range between $X and $Y.”


Deflect the Question


If you’re uncomfortable providing a number first, you can politely deflect the question. For example:


“I’m open to discussing salary once I have a better understanding of the responsibilities and the benefits package. Could you provide more details about that?”


Express Flexibility


Showing that you are flexible can demonstrate your willingness to negotiate and find a mutually beneficial agreement. For example:


“While my research suggests a range of $X to $Y for this role, I’m flexible and open to discussing further based on the overall compensation package.”


Consider the Total Compensation Package


Remember, salary is just one part of your total compensation. Benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, bonuses, and professional development opportunities should also be considered. You might say:


“I’m looking for a competitive salary, but I’m also very interested in the overall benefits package that the firm offers.”


Be Honest and Realistic


Honesty is crucial in salary negotiations. Be upfront about your expectations, but also be realistic. Overstating your requirements might price you out of consideration, while understating them might leave you undervalued.


Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Giving a Specific Number: Providing a single figure can limit your negotiation power.

  • Underestimating Your Value: Don’t sell yourself short. Be confident in your worth.

  • Being Unprepared: Failing to research can lead to unrealistic or uninformed expectations.


Practicing Your Response


Practice your response to the salary question with a friend or mentor. This can help you refine your delivery and boost your confidence during the actual interview.




Discussing salary expectations doesn’t have to be stressful. By doing your research, reflecting on your value, and preparing a thoughtful response, you can navigate this conversation with confidence and poise. Remember, the goal is to find a mutually beneficial agreement that recognizes your worth and aligns with the firm’s budget.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: What if the employer insists on knowing my current salary?


It’s becoming less common for employers to ask for current salary information due to legal restrictions in some areas. If asked, you can redirect the conversation by focusing on your salary expectations instead.


Q: Should I ask about salary in the first interview?


It’s generally best to wait until later in the interview process to discuss salary, unless the employer brings it up first. This allows you to focus on showcasing your qualifications initially.


Q: How can I negotiate if the offer is lower than expected?


If the offer is lower than expected, express your enthusiasm for the role and ask if there’s room for negotiation. Be prepared to discuss your research and justify why you believe a higher salary is warranted.


Q: Is it appropriate to negotiate other benefits?


Absolutely. If the salary isn’t flexible, consider negotiating other benefits such as additional vacation days, flexible work hours, or professional development opportunities.


Q: What should I do if I receive multiple offers?


If you have multiple offers, use them to your advantage. Politely inform each employer of your situation and ask if they can improve their offer. Be sure to compare the entire compensation packages, not just the salary.


Q: How do I follow up after discussing salary expectations?


After discussing salary, thank the interviewer for the conversation and express your continued interest in the position. This shows professionalism and keeps the lines of communication open.


Q: How should I prepare to discuss salary expectations in a law firm interview?


Research is key. Look up industry standards, average salaries for similar positions, and the specific law firm's pay scale if available. Consider your experience, skills, and location, as these factors can influence salary ranges.


Q: Should I provide a specific number when asked about my salary expectations?


It's often best to provide a range rather than a specific number. This shows flexibility and leaves room for negotiation. For example, you could say, "Based on my research and experience, I'm looking for a salary between $X and $Y."


Q: What if I'm not sure about the appropriate salary range?


You can respond by expressing your interest in learning more about the role and its responsibilities before discussing salary. You might say, "I'm open to discussing salary once I have a better understanding of the job's requirements and expectations."


Q: Can I ask the interviewer about the salary range for the position?


Yes, it's appropriate to ask. You could frame it as, "To ensure we're on the same page, could you provide the salary range for this position?" This can help you gauge whether your expectations align with the firm's budget.


Q: How do I handle the question if I'm currently employed and earning a salary?


Be honest but strategic. You might say, "My current salary is $X, but I'm looking for a new opportunity that better aligns with my career goals and market value, which I believe is in the range of $Y to $Z."


Q: What if I have multiple offers or am interviewing with several firms?


You can mention that you're considering other opportunities but avoid specifics. A good response might be, "I'm exploring several options, and my goal is to find a position that offers both a competitive salary and the right fit for my skills and career aspirations."


Q: Is it acceptable to negotiate if the initial offer is lower than my expectations?


Absolutely. Be prepared to discuss why you believe a higher salary is justified based on your skills, experience, and the value you can bring to the firm. You might say, "Based on my experience and the market rate, I was hoping for a salary closer to $X. Is there flexibility in the offer?"


Q: How should I respond if the interviewer insists on a specific number early in the process?


If pressed for a number early on, you can give a broad range while emphasizing that you are flexible. For example, "Based on my research and the role's responsibilities, I'm looking for something in the range of $X to $Y, but I'm open to discussing this further as I learn more about the position."


Q: What if the law firm has a different benefits structure than what I'm used to?


Consider the total compensation package, including benefits, bonuses, and other perks. You might say, "I'm interested in understanding the full compensation package, including benefits and bonuses, to get a comprehensive view of the offer."


Q: Any final tips for discussing salary expectations?


Stay professional and positive throughout the discussion. Focus on the value you bring to the firm rather than just the numbers. Keep the conversation open and collaborative, showing that you're looking for a mutually beneficial arrangement.

See the following for more information about interviewing:



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