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The Perfect 10 Minute HIIT Hotel Workout

published August 08, 2016

( 4 votes, average: 4.2 out of 5)

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Summary: Here is a good 10 minute HIIT workout that you can do from your hotel to keep yourself in shape even while you’re on vacation.
This 10 minute HIIT workout is perfect to do the next time you stay in a hotel.
All spring long, we hear about how we should be getting in shape for summer and bikini season, but what about once summer begins and we’re eating out and not able to exercise because of all the traveling? Don’t let all that hard work go to waste!

Even if you have a busy schedule with tons of parties and traveling, you can still maintain your fitness level by getting in short, intense workouts. Since many of us won’t have access to our regular gym or equipment when traveling, or it’s far too hot to be running outdoors, here is a 10 minute workout that you can quickly get in while everyone else is getting ready for your next activity. No need to miss out on the fun! Plus, if you have some extra time, do the workout two or three times through for an extra burn.

Perform each move for 45 seconds, pausing for 15 seconds before moving on to the next. Click the links below to see the moves if needed.
( 4 votes, average: 4.2 out of 5)
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