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5 Easy Ways to Spruce Up Your Yard for the Summer

published August 10, 2016

( 1 vote, average: 5 out of 5)

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Summary: Make your yard look amazing this summer with these 5 easy tips.

Throughout the winter and spring, most of us are dreaming of summer days when we can sit out in the backyard and enjoy the beautiful weather with our family and friends. However, when it comes down to it, many of us find ourselves “too busy” and the summer flies by without having enjoyed the fresh air in our own backyard. Here are five tips to spruce up your yard to entice you and your guests outside to enjoy the weather and one another’s company.

1. Add a pathway. Adding in a stone walkway to your backyard or garden can make the whole area look considerably more put together and organized. Plus it can help keep your guests from walking over your grass or plants.
Building a pergola is just one of 5 easy ways to spruce up your yard this summer.

2. Use colorful pillows. Adding a few colorful pillows to your patio furniture can make a big difference to the overall aesthetics, as well as make sitting outdoors for a longer time more comfortable for you and your friends.
Building a pergola is just one of 5 easy ways to spruce up your yard this summer.

3. Add a water feature. Having a small fountain or even pond in your backyard can take a plain backyard and turn it into a small oasis for you to enjoy. The sound of running water is very relaxing and will hopefully draw you outside to enjoy the space more often.
Building a pergola is just one of 5 easy ways to spruce up your yard this summer.

4. Build a pergola. Now this may seem like a big project at the beginning, but once you find quality instructions and measurements for your wood, all you need are one or two volunteers to help you out and you can have it done in a weekend. Plus, if you don’t have a patio you will have created a beautiful space that you, your friends, and your family actually want to go to spend time together outdoors.
Building a pergola is just one of 5 easy ways to spruce up your yard this summer.

5. String up lights. I know we’re much more used to seeing strung lights around Christmas time, but adding some pretty lighting to your patio area can create a romantic or whimsical atmosphere to any outdoor gathering, or even for you to just enjoy and relax by yourself.
Building a pergola is just one of 5 easy ways to spruce up your yard this summer.

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