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The CPD Staff at the University of St. Thomas School of Law

published February 18, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

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The Director of the CPD, Kendra D. Brodin, joined the law school in 2011, bringing with her experience as an attorney, a legal consultant, and a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) teacher. As a legal consultant and a CLE presenter, Brodin has worked with attorneys and law firms in a range of professional development areas including leadership, lawyer retention, conflict resolution, time management, stress management and work/life balance.

Prior to joining the CPD Office, Brodin served as an associate attorney, concentrating on litigation and civil mediation. She also spent almost two years with the non-profit organization, The Plymouth Center, where she functioned as the administrative director. She holds a JD from the University of Minnesota and a master's degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania. She also attended the Institute for Life Coach Training. Brodin is currently a committee chair for committees of the Minnesota State Bar Association and Minnesota Women Lawyers.

The Assistant Director of CPD, Catherin Powell Finnegan, came to the University of St. Thomas with ample attorney and career counseling experience. Her lawyering experience includes time spent at the Minnesota Attorney General's Office, where she worked in Consumer Enforcement and represented both the Minnesota Department of Commerce and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. She also worked with the firm, Fredrikson & Byron, PA, during which time she was involved in employment law and business and commercial litigation.

Powell holds a JD from Indiana University and a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of St. Thomas School of Applied Professional Studies. She completed her undergraduate studies at DePauw University in Indiana.

Dan Winterlin, the Coordinator of CPD, joined the office after earning his BA in Geography and a certificate in Geographic Information from the Minnesota State University, Mankato. Prior to that, he served in the US Navy as a Petty Officer. He is presently in the master's program at the University of St. Thomas where he is studying leadership and student affairs.
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