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Adjusting to a New Job or Change of Employment Status: Tips for Dealing with the Transition

published March 08, 2023

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BCG Attorney Search is the nation's largest and most geographically diverse recruiting firm specializing exclusively in permanent attorney placements. They currently have more attorney openings, in more practice areas and locations, than any other legal recruiting firm.

Many people experience a significant change in their employment status at some point in their lives. This can be due to the changing needs of a company, the elimination of roles, a switch in the organization's structure, or other factors. Whatever the cause, it can be a difficult and unsettling experience that can disrupt one's entire life. However, it is possible to cope with this change positively and focus on the opportunities that may come with it.

One of the first steps in dealing with a change in employment status is to take the time to process what's happening and consider the various options available. It is important to acknowledge the change and to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the options and potential outcomes. It is also important to take the necessary steps to ensure financial stability during this transition period.

The next step is to actively search for new employment opportunities. This includes both traditional forms of employment and the use of freelance or contract work. Moreover, it is essential to create an impressive resume that highlights the unique experience and qualifications gained. Additionally, networking is also a great way to find new opportunities and it is often easier to secure an employment opportunity through an individual's network.

During the job search process, it is important to stay as positive and determined as possible. As mentioned, it is a great opportunity to consider a new career path or explore different types of roles. Additionally, it is possible to take up volunteer work or pursue additional education or training. Making use of available resources through the government, employment agencies, and community centers can be very helpful. Furthermore, taking the time to care for one's mental and physical well-being is very important as it can help one maintain a more positive outlook.

In conclusion, dealing with a change in employment status can be a challenging experience. However, with the right attitude and the right resources, it is possible to make a successful transition. Taking the time to process the changes, establish financial stability, and actively search for employment opportunities can help individuals cope with the situation and open up new opportunities. Lastly, it is important to make use of the available resources and prioritize self-care in order to remain positive throughout the transition.

Understanding Your Change of Employment Status

As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, changes in employment status often occur. Whether you've been laid off, quit, or have been promoted, it's important to understand exactly what the change in your employment status means for you. While it can be difficult to accept, a change in your employment status can be a positive experience that gives you the opportunity to pursue a more fulfilling career. Below are some tips to help you manage a change in employment status.

Finding a New Job

If you've been laid off or quit your job, you'll need to start looking for a new one. Take some time to assess your skills and interests, and consider job options that are in alignment with these. Create a resume and cover letter that highlight your strengths, and network with employers and professionals in your industry. Utilize online job boards, career centers, and job placement agencies to find positions that are suitable for your background. Take advantage of any job training or education opportunities if needed.

Gaining Financial Stability

Regardless of whether you've been laid off or left your job, you'll need to plan for the future financially. Start by creating a budget and begin saving for any unexpected expenses. Look into any government or social services that can provide financial assistance, and consider taking out a loan if needed. In the meantime, utilize any available resources like unemployment benefits and severance packages.

Having an Open Mind

Having an open mind is a key factor in coping with a change in employment status. Remain open to different types of employment opportunities and career paths, and don't be afraid to try something new. Consider taking on freelance work or consulting projects, or pursue a job in a different industry. Focus on the skills that you have and use them to your advantage.

Reflecting on the Positive Aspects

Though it can be difficult to accept a change in employment status, it can also be a great opportunity for growth. Take the time to reflect on the positive aspects of the situation and use them to help you move forward. A change in employment status can be a chance for you to explore new possibilities, gain valuable work experience, and create an interesting career story.

We regularly read and hear that "jobs for life" are disappearing, to be replaced by a pattern of consecutive jobs and unpredictable career dislocations. When the time comes to face such a change on a personal level, these statistics take on a whole new meaning.

The emotions one experiences during a change of employment status are entirely normal. Although no two people react exactly the same way, most of us experience a range of emotions that includes shock, denial, anger, worry, depression, resistance, relief, acceptance, and the need to take action.

Fortunately, a change in employment status does not have to lead to a gloomy spiral of events. Your initial feelings of anger, frustration and despair can and will be overcome and eventually replaced by feelings of acceptance and control.

By thinking positively, taking appropriate action and looking toward the future, this transition can become an opportunity to secure a more satisfying position. Throughout this process your recruiter can help you take constructive and creative steps towards developing a positive job campaign, and moving to the next step of your career.

Facing the World During Your Job Search. Family, friends, neighbors and colleagues may already be asking you "What happened with your job?" This is a question you will frequently hear as you begin your job search. It is important to handle this question capably, regardless of who asks it. Therefore, one of the first things you should do is develop a response that is truthful and acceptable to you and prospective employers. When creating your response, you should consider applying the following: (1) keeping it short and factual, (2) be as positive as possible, and (3) put your best foot forward, but remain truthful.
Keeping it Short. Generally, the more you try to explain, the more difficult your explanation becomes. You should prepare a short, to the point statement, and be prepared to answer follow-up questions, but only if they are asked.

Be As Positive As Possible. Negative statements about your former boss or employing organization will only hurt you. The last think you want to do is burn bridges, or give a prospective employer the impression that you are a disgruntled employee. By keeping your statement as positive as possible, you will only help to advance your candidacy.

Put Your Best Foot Forward, But Remain Truthful. There are a number of factors that result in someone leaving. Explain them to your recruiter, he or she will help you determine reasons that are most positive and easiest to explain, while remaining truthful.

What it Takes to Succeed. First, it is important for you to believe that you will succeed in your job search. In order to do this, you should take some time and determine your strengths, and clarify your objectives. The following steps will help you put together an effective plan for your job search, and help you create a strategic plan with your recruiter:
Take Stock. You should identify past successes, current strengths, overall work style, and personal preferences.

Refine Your Career Objectives. You should be clear, focused, and realistic about your career objectives, based on your past work experience and academic credentials.

Work With Your Recruiter to Make a Dynamic Presentation. Your recruiter will help you to draft an effective resume, and review interview skills, so that you may be at your highest level of effectiveness when approaching a potential employer.

Work With Your Recruiter to Create a Marketing Strategy. Your recruiter will help create an effective marketing strategy on your behalf, in terms of firm selection, and the type of presentation to be made to these firms.

Be Persistent. The job process can be a long and challenging one, but your commitment to the search and implementation of your recruiter's plan will give you the best chances to ensure a successful outcome.

Job loss can be a very emotionally traumatic experience. In fact, it ranks among the highest of all stress-causing situations. However, rather than looking at a job loss as a horrible thing, you should focus on its positive aspects. Remember, this might be an opportunity for you to find a more rewarding position. Be open to opportunities. You never know what doors this turn of events may open for you.

See the Top 32 Reasons Attorneys Lose Their Jobs Inside of Law Firms to learn some of the most common reasons attorneys are fired or let go from law firms.
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