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Teresa Wynn Roseborough, The Home Depot

published November 09, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Roseborough, who brings with her more than 25 years of legal experience, will report directly to the company's Chairman and CEO, Frank Blake. In addition to overseeing The Home Depot's legal department, Roseborough's new role will also involve responsibility for its government relations and corporate security operations.

Immediately before accepting the position with The Home Depot, Roseborough served as a deputy general counsel at MetLife, a major insurance and financial services provider. She has also served as a partner at Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan LLP, where she concentrated on complex litigation matters at the trial and appellate level. She spent two years as a deputy assistant attorney general with the US Department of Justice and has clerked for both US Court of Appeals Judge James Dickson Phillips, Jr. and US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.

Additionally, she has served on the ABA Council of Appellate Lawyers, Executive Committees of the State Bar of Georgia's Appellate Section, the US Supreme Court Historical Society, and the State Bar of Georgia's Bar of Examiners.

She graduated with high honors from the University of North Carolina School of Law in 1986. She holds an MA in Education from Boston University and a BA from the University of Virginia.

“I am very pleased to welcome Teresa to The Home Depot. She brings an incredible legal background to our company, and is sure to be an asset to the entire organization. She is a proven leader and will undoubtedly be a strong partner to the business,” remarked Blake in reference to Roseborough's appointment.

The Home Depot employs about 300,000 associates throughout its operations. The company boasts 2,246 retail stores located throughout all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, ten Canadian provinces, Mexico, and China.
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