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Mark S. LaVigne, Energizer Holdings, Inc.

published November 16, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Prior to joining Energizer Holdings, LaVigne was a partner at Bryan Cave LLP where his practice focused on mergers and acquisitions, securities, and private businesses. He has worked with companies of all sizes and has served companies in a variety of industries including biotechnology, agricultural business, energy, telecommunications, manufacturing, and consumer goods.

He has been with Energizer Holdings since 2010 and has served in the capacity of secretary and assistant general counsel. LaVigne will replace Gayle G. Stratmann, who has served as the vice president and general counsel since March of 2003. She is scheduled to retire during the first half of 2012.

“We are pleased to have Mark step up into the role of General Counsel. He has a proven track record with both Bryan Cave and Energizer Holdings, has been a valuable contributor in many ways and will do an outstanding job for the Company and our shareholders,” said Chief Executive Officer Ward Klein of LaVigne's appointment.

Energizer Holdings is a St. Louis, Missouri- based consumer goods business with global reach. The company's products are offered through a household products division and a personal care division. Its portfolio includes a number of popular brand names including Energizer®, Eveready®, Schick®, Wilkinson Sword®, Edge®, Skintimate®, Playtex®, Banana Boat®, Hawaiian Tropic®, and Wet Ones®.
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