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Chad E. Paulson, Blount International

published January 05, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

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Paulson has served as Corporate Counsel at Blount since 2006. Before that, he functioned as Senior Counsel at PacifCorp and was also an associate at Miller Nash LLP. He earned his JD from the University of Oregon School of Law in 1998 and holds a BS in Political Science from Oregon State University.

“We are fortunate to have someone of Chad's caliber internally to promote into this critical position. In his five years with Blount, Chad has demonstrated the ability to provide quality legal counsel to management as we pursued our growth plans,” said Blount Chairman and CEO Josh Collins of Paulson's appointment. Collins went on to thank Irving for “his many contributions to Blount over the past seventeen years, including the mentorship he provided Chad to ensure a successful transition of the Company's General Counsel.”

Blount is a global producer and marketer of replacement parts, equipment, and accessories for a range of markets including forestry, lawn, and garden; farm, ranch, and agriculture; and concrete cutting and finishing. The company is known for its quality chains, bars and sprockets, as well as for its outdoor equipment accessories and gardening and landscape parts offered under the brand names of OREGON® and Carlton®.
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